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Scout Ship

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MSS Tradewind
Old Salt Requirements

1. Ideals- Write an analysis on improving the ship’s program, operations, and recruiting.

2. Active Membership- Participate in 60% of ship’s meetings and activities for 6 months. Create and give a presentation about our program to another Girl Scout or Community Group.

3. Leadership/Planning- Serve in a leadership position for the ship, or plan a summer cruise including location, meals, safety gear needed, other activity items needed, etc. Remember to delegate and follow up!

4. Swimming- Complete the requirements for the BSA Lifesaving merit badge.

5. Safety- Know weather precautions and when it is safe to cruise our vessel. Know limited visibility sound signals and equipment that you should have on board. Learn one of the following methods of communications: Morse code, international code flags, or semaphore.

6. Marlinspike Know the parts of a block and tackle. Explain the uses of each type and how each of them could be used on our vessel, or in a regatta event.

7. Boat Handling Safely operate a small boat with a motor. Know how to put an outboard onto a small boat and what safety equipment should be on board.

8. Community Service Participate in a community service project for this rank. This service should be at least 2 hours of service to a community organization or project.

9. Anchoring Take charge of an anchoring operation and safely anchor our vessel. Set up an anchor watch. Verify that the boat does not “drag” the anchor.

10. Navigation Be able to identify the running lights required for a variety of vessels (fishing, towing, sailing, dredge, pilot boat, law enforcement, row boat, etc.) Know the day shapes for the appropriate vessels that may display them. Demonstrate the use of a tide table. Know how to get a Notice to Mariners.

11. Piloting Be able to determine a course for at least a 2-hour cruise. Steer that compass course and measure how correct your course was. Demonstrate your ability to take a fix in normal weather, in limited visibility and using radar.

12. Deck Seamanship Understand the different coatings used on our vessel and how to safely apply each type.

13. Ship systems Know the 115-volt electrical systems used on the boat. Know the safety procedures when working on these electrical systems. Be able to demonstrate your ability by troubleshooting a problem on board. Know how to start the generator and monitor its use. Know how the inverter works. Be able to switch between the generator, inverter and shore power.

14. Cruising Teach another crewmember how to perform each of the watch station duties, including starting the engines and initiating logs. Go on at least 12 overnight cruises and 12 day cruises.

15. Weather Know how to get weather bulletins and weather information. Demonstrate your ability to read a weather map.

16. Teamwork Serve as coxswain for close order crew drill.

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