Ahoy there Tradewind Alumni!
We had a great reunion at the Sequoia Yacht Club in August, 2006, to celebrate 50 years of Tradewind history. We created a time line, showed a wonderful video scrapbook (available on DVD), gave tours of the boat, and shared a great meal prepared by the men of the SSS Gryphon . Women from almost all five decades were represented, the current crew performed a rap they made up about their ship and it was a treat to hear stories from the past and see the excitement from the crew of today as they shared their enthusiasm for continuing on the Tradewind tradition.
Copies of the 50th Anniversary Reunion DVD can be obtained through Skipper Teri Marzano, msstradewind@earthlink.net.
Our online scrapbook is currently located at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/msstradewind50years/. Please visit our scrapbook, and send us any pictures you may have to add in digital format, with names, dates and locations noted, and we will upload to the scrapbook periodically.
As always, Tradewind alumni are encouraged to check in with "the ship", let us know what you are up to, and check out what we are doing. Chances are we are doing pretty much the same things you remember. Only the names, faces, fashions (and boats) have changed! You can find us at Wharf 5 at the Port of Redwood City most Saturdays after 11:00.
There are many ways you can continue to contribute to the Tradewind for the next generation:
Is there a skill, service, business connection or materials source you can offer? We are always in need of skills training (both nautical and others, such as first aid, etc.), lumber, hardware, tools, fuel, oil, paint, haul out locations and supplies, safety gear, charts, electronics, line, fenders, etc.
Can you offer some time? Help with our fund raisers (4th of July root beer floats/coffee during fireworks at Port) or fall sales/cookie sales? Lend an extra hand during haul out? Handle paperwork or administrative tasks, keep the website updated, write a newsletter? Help with recruiting during the fall and spring?
Monetary assistance is always welcome. As you can imagine, we are struggling with the cost of diesel over $3/gallon to keep the boat operational and affordable. The days of donated haul outs and free fuel from the military are long gone! The Tradewind is a Senior Troop in the Girl Scouts of San Francisco Bay Area Council, and all donations to our ship are tax deductible.
Typical costs: Ancient Mariner Regatta fee, $75/person; summer cruise, $150/person; fuel at $3/gallon, $3,600 per year; life jacket, $50/each; gallon of bottom paint, $150 (need three for haul out); sheet of marine plywood, $120; case of oil, $30; gallon of marine paint, $50.
Your sponsorship for one girl to go on summer cruise can make a big difference. Not having to buy the three gallons of bottom paint for the haul out means a $450 fuel subsidy! Any monetary help you can offer, whether individually or through a grant program at work, is much appreciated and makes it possible to continue to offer great program for girls at all income levels.