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Scout Ship

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Our crew has one fundraising event each year at the Redwood City 4th of July celebration. We raise enough money with this event, cookie sales and fall sales to take care of ongoing maintenance. However, improvement projects, major failures, and the cost of fuel has made us look for support from companies like those listed on our sponsor page. If you would like to give your support to our program, go to the contact page and send us a note.

Two major projects that we will need support for are:

M.S.S. Tradewind has a 20 year old radar and would like to have a newer radar/chart plotter. This would allow ou crew to learn with newer technologies, and if the monitor was large enough it would provide a great group learning opportunity.

Our vessel is currently powered by 2 GM Diesel 671's. As the air quality standards get stricter, we will eventually be required to change these engines to something that is better to our environment, and hopefully ones with great fuel effeciency.

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