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Scout Ship

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The Mariner Scout Ship TRADEWIND, Girl Scouts of San Francisco Bay Area Troop #2609, is based in Redwood City, California. We meet every Saturday at the Port of Redwood City. To be able to join our program you must be a girl that is between 14 and 18 and be able to attend most of our meetings.

You will need to fill out a Girl Scout application and a health form. Our dues are $60 per year.

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Dress uniforms are provided at no cost. Crew T-shirts and sweatshirts are an additional cost. In addition, there are some additional costs for some of our events. These costs cover only the cost of the event, including event fees, food and fuel to and from the event. We try to keep all of the costs to the crewmembers as small as possible.

link to Girl Scouts USA
link to Sea Scout Ships
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