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Scout Ship

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Mariner Scout Ship Tradewind was established in 1954 originally as a Cadette troop in Menlo Park for girls in junior high school. In 1956, Mrs. Jackie Harker became the first skipper (troop leader) and thus began the rich history of Mariner Scouting in Redwood City . Hundreds of girls over 50 plus years have learned nautical skills, served their community, earned Girl Scouting's highest awards, and developed a love for the sea through their time in the crew of Mariner Ship Tradewind.
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M.S.S. Tradewind has developed a recognition program based on the original Mariner Scout handbook using the same system of awards, but including the changes in Girl Scout program as they have occurred over the years. Girls in our program begin with basic safety and seamanship skills, community service, and Girl Scout Interest Projects that relate to water-based activities, and progress to supervisory and instructional levels as they fine-tune their boating skills and develop their personal leadership style.
link to Girl Scouts USA
link to Sea Scout Ships
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